Gabazira's blog

The Effectiveness-Lab

Can your nationality be an obstacle to professional growth?

I recently read a very good article from WWW.DEVEX.COM predicting doom for International development consultants. According to DEVEX.COM, it is apparent that so-called national and regional consultants are giving their International peers hard time. The International consultants no longer command the near monopoly position they have enjoyed for so long.

It is a journey!
It is a journey!

‘’…. in Africa, “donors sometimes balk at paying full market rates for local researchers,” said Cheikh Oumar Ba, executive director of the Senegalese think tank IPAR. “We recently put in a tender that had an international team of researchers from various countries, worldwide, and the client complained about the price tag of the African researchers on the team and asked us to lower their rates. We refused. You have to remember, we all went to the same universities, we have the same degrees.”

Devex’s hypothesis is that given the increasing capacity of national and regional consultants, there is decreasing demand for services of their International peer.  This typology of national, regional, and international consultants triggered many questions in my mind.

What is the definition of a national, regional, and so-called International consultant? When does a national consultant become international and the international one, national or regional? Are the consulting typologies by Devex reversible, depending on the location of a specific consulting assignment? For example, as a Ugandan would my consulting typology change from National to International consultant if I took on a job for a London-based charity? What if I decided to do the London job, over Skype and email, from my village in Nakabugu Uganda? I am not even asking any question about my colour, since that is not a factor in determining consulting typology, I hope.

I certainly do not want to sound cynical, but the DEVEX article avoids the obvious in the development consulting world. Consulting typology in development tends to be defined not even by nationality, but cultural fit. Of course, one assumes that cultural fit goes hand in hand with one’s nationality. However, even if I was not Ugandan, I can relate and comply with the requirements of Ugandan culture by virtue of the number of years I have lived in Uganda or with authentic Ugandans.

Therefore, from where I stand, there is no such thing as a national, regional, or International consultant. This consulting typology is a misnomer. Instead, there are national, regional, and international consulting markets. As we all know, markets behave like human beings: they have power holders, habits, and preferences. Consultants that wish to access any of the three market typologies must deliver to the needs of the market.

Using my development industry experience, let me define for you the typical profile of the so-called international consulting market:

  • Comfortable around Western mannerisms (where did you travel to for your last summer holiday?)
  • Subscribe to a near-perfect/perfect American and British accent
  • Requires excellent writing skills
  • Respects extroverts
  • Those doing well in this market can sell sawdust to a lumber mill
  • Networks and the gravy train a big part of the market
  • It attracts both black and Caucasian but ‘caucasian’ is the ‘Rolls-Royce’ of the market

If you can deliver to the above, you are in business. We have to be honest and accept that it is a pretty tough market to crack. Tough to crack as some of your peer consultants would get a soft landing on many of the market factors above. As a Ugandan from Nakabugu village, with a lovely Ugandan accent, I cannot envy a British peer consultant whose native language and accent are British. It is that language advantage that makes them a good consultant and competitive in this particular market niche. At the same time, I have many other factors that make me a good consultant too. Again, it is a market, and you have to match your offer.  The good news is that the market is not ‘stupid’, and it appreciates and exploits the diversity and pluralism in markets.

The market-fallacy in development:

I have written about the fallacy of the market in development. Reading the DEVEX article, I have to conclude that development continues to exhibit discomfort with respecting the theory of the market. A theory so simple, that I am ever surprised why we tend to focus on the secondary and choose to avoid the primary.

The shift in the international consulting landscape is purely down to market forces. The so called national and regional consultants, traditionally the underdogs of the consulting world, have mastered the art of effective consulting. They are increasingly becoming effective at their jobs and can honour commitments to their clients. When you explore the typical profile of an effective national/regional consultant, they are likely to exhibit many of the characteristics of the international consulting market above. Is it not true then that consultants operate in a global marketplace and what niche they occupy, is determined by their capacities or incapacities to service demand from the niche – simple!

As a Ugandan, I can win international consulting bids as long as my offer matches the demand from that particular market. In consulting markets where I have a demand/supply imbalance, it is incumbent on me to address the capacity gaps causing the imbalance. In the private sector, most successful global businesses started as national operators serving the local market, progressing to serve the regional and international markets. The successful shift to regional and global markets is a direct result of such companies addressing demand and supply imbalances in their value chains.

I cannot waste my mental energy believing that I have been denied a consulting job because I am Ugandan.  If cultural purity is a requirement for a job, consulting or not, then I know that is not my market.  In business, we make choices, and at times very tough choices!

My takeaway: As long as you rationally choose what you want to do and are effective at it, effectiveness meaning delivering high-quality outputs or outcomes, you will never fail.

9 responses to “Can your nationality be an obstacle to professional growth?”

  1. ABG I just like your blogs and your mind ‘boggling’ articles, they make us think. Your articles are so resourceful and you are a consultant of your own type. I use you as my blog consultant to exercise my analytic and creative thinking.

    Now what are you? Are you regional, international or cyber consult!!!

    Keep up a good work and we want to see our brothers coming up with such articles.

    Keep us thinking.


    1. Thanks Mwalimu Komba – honoured that you take time from your very busy schedule to read my blogs

      Consultants change typology depending on the market niche they serve – for now, I am in a full time job and not consulting! All I love doing is share my opinion on the blogosphere


    2. Mwalimu – here is another blog to support your staff-change efforts. HR gurus like yourself should be on top of this stuff:


  2. Thanks ABG for this very insightful piece. As a CPA my work and profession is guided by prescribed international standards and guidelines. I have always considered my self as being able to provide service at a global scale. Segregating markets into national, regional or international niches is just a marketing strategy – not a matter of capacity. The beauty with accounting is that – it is a language of its own, so issues of travel and American/British accent do not matter, for as long as one can make meaning out of the ”numbers” for the client.

    With your permission, I’m sharing this will all the CPAs I know.


    1. Seddu thanks for reading the blog and as ever, for the wise insight – I agree with you that it’s all about what we commit to, whether in a job or professionally, and how well we deliver that – go ahead and share, it’s a blog and I look fwd. to reading from your professional friends!


  3. Thank you for lighting the world Apollo! where we come from does not prove what we are capable of doing. Make best choices, being effective and effectiveness lead to success!!


    1. Rosalie – thanks for reading the blog. You are right, as long as we are effective, both in what we do but also fighting negative forces, success will result from all our efforts! Share this message with all your colleagues in the finance department at CARE Rwanda


  4. This is both a wonderful and insightful piece. As an employer who regularly attracts and employs consultants, I will focus more on what these consultants have to offer rather than where they are coming from. Secondly, I believe that a Uganda consultant bidding for a consultancy exercise in Uganda can be viewed as an international consultant if they bring a rich international perspective to the table.


    1. Apollo – thanks for reading the blog and I fully agree with you – it’s the ‘market and consultants’ offer’ that should dictate the type of consultant one is!


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About Me

Apollo B. Gabazira is an Ugandan OD. junkie fascinated by matters that render organisations/individuals effective or not. He blogs on effective leadership and management. He is a devoted green-farmer and breeds the Ayrshire cow at Nakabugu, Luuka district, Uganda. Apollo is quite effective at what he chooses to do.
